2016 Call for Fellows

20. November 2015

This call is for team leads for the summer 2016 session of Critical Practice Studio. Team leads, a blend between teaching mentors and visionary professionals, are awarded a CRITPraX Fellowship. It is a team-based, competitive charrette/workshop style studio that meets in four multi-day sessions over the summer. The studio is focused around a single architectural designer or practice involved in a critical practice; a masterclass. This year the master practitioner is Bittertang. The master practitioner frames the overall studio and sets the focus and the topics for the team projects. Each student team is organized around the Fellow, a second experienced practitioner who leads the studio group.

Application requirement: short statement of position that aligns with Bittertang's priorities (300 word max), abbreviated C.V. focused on recent writing, projects and products (8 items max) and supporting documentation (photograph/illustration). All sub-disciplines of applied design are eligible for the Fellowship (architectural design, urban design, interior design, industrial design).

Applications should be emailed to Philip Plowright at pplowright -at- ltu dot edu by March 4, 2016. The jury will notify selected Fellows by March 18, 2016. Email subject line should be “CRITPraX16 Fellowship”.

Full Call is located here.

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